A blog that offers a wealth of information about work from home employment, work at home jobs, legitimate work from home companies, reviews of work from home jobs, avoiding work at home scams, freelance opportunities, online data entry jobs, at home customer service jobs, tutoring jobs working from home, virtual assistant information and jobs, telecommuting and everything in between.
Types of work at home position: Home Based Customer Care Representatives
Company name: NEW
Type of Company: Provider of extended service plans and buyer protection programs-founded in 1983, privately owned company, currently employees 300 customer care representatives that work from home.
If you have customer service experience and are seeking a job working from home, check out this website for the exciting new opportunities that can be exactly what you are looking for.
Check out their website in order to see if this could be a great opportunity for you to work from home. There is a wealth of information and do not forget to attend the Virtual Fairs that they run. On the link for the job fair that I have provided, you can visit that link to see what future virtual fairs will be held for information about the work at home customer service positions.
Do you have customer service skills and currently work from home or plan to transition to working from home? There are many home based customer service positions available that allow you to work from home and utilize the customer service skills you have without all the extra expenses of gas for a daily work commute or endless expense of a costly career wardrobe.
There are a couple items to remember, most companies require you have a noise reduction or noise canceling head set that you must purchase and they also require that you have a land line phone line that you can receive phone calls on. There are also some hardware requirements that include the computer you will be working on, the internet connection etc. and each website clearly lists the requirements you need to work for them. In researching the noise-canceling headset with microphone I found a Logitech ClearChat Pro USBselling between $20.00 and $60.00.
Most schedules are flexible and the best part is you can work from home.
Take a look at these different sites and figure out what one is best for you.
Ever since the introduction of employees working from home or “telecommuting”, due to rising costs of fuel and the need for more flexible schedules, more employees elect to work as telecommuters and there have been some concerns as to whether or not it is in the best interest of the organization for both productivity and manageability. Managing telecommuters, so called “remote employees” requires a different style of management. No longer a micromanager, but a manager who has more technical capabilities and a manager who builds a level of trust with the employee who are working from home. CNN.com
Basic Trust of Telecommuters
Trusting whether or not an employee will get the work done if they are not working in the office is a big concern. Also, some people complain that the telecommuters are not included in the office politics and they miss face-to-face contact. Other managers clearly state that the employees who work on site communicate with them by email on a daily basis and they find that they speak to the telecommuters on a more regular basis by phone and therefore, it is not face to face contact that suffers. CNN.com
Many articles and journals, including one published in the Journal of Applied Psychology illustrates that telecommuters are less stressed and are more appreciative of the benefits they receive from working at home. They are more likely to be additionally productive because their surroundings are conducive with their personalities. There is also less stress on work at home employees because they do not have constantly struggle with the many perils of time constraints. It is easier for a person who telecommutes to work on projects and tasks that needs to be done at any time that they are able to schedule it, which is not necessarily from 8am-5pm.
Out with the Old in with the New Concepts
Our world is changing. We no longer have to be baby sat on a day-to-day basis at work. With technology and the way it has grown, myself and many others question, why not use it? Suggestions of companies setting up remote offices, investing in “meeting technologies (remote offices),” and also the good old notion that employees should be measured on performance and not face time. Time and time again I have worked in some companies, and I know I am not alone when I talk about this, in which I have observed employees who spend nearly 2 hours a day working on work. The employees who fly under the radar at work and are quiet and do not cause trouble. Why wouldn’t a manager like them? Yes, but what about the work getting done? What about production? They complete menial tasks, but they take up space and electric kilowatts and employee benefits so I think it is unfair to say that “every” employee who works in the office necessarily produces more work then an employee who telecommutes. The Telecommuting Imperative
Telecommuting is a great option
Telecommuters, who work remotely from an office in their home, should be equally respected as an employee who is working on site. They are just as valuable and in some cases work harder in order to prove that they can manage working from home due to the benefits and flexibility it adds to their life. With the many talented people who have skills and abilities that organizations would love to hire, but cannot due to scheduling conflicts, disabilities or responsibilities that take keep the person in the home, it would be a great injustice not to invest in a better system that utilizes the workforce that works from home. MetroNews
For the past 10 years, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia has been offering telecommuting to their employees. Out of 1,500 employees, at this time there are 289 that are working from home. Many of the telecommuting positions that BCBS of GA have at this time are in the claims processing department, but they are projecting to have openings in the Columbus office within the customer service department by the year of 2009.
There are marked benefits for both employees who work at home and also for their managers at Blue Cross. Through remote access systems, employees are monitored by they activity, by the amount of claims that are processed and when they log in and out of the system.
It is observed that the telecommuters are able to keep in touch with the main office through teleconferencing and there is a definite increase in productivity. One great benefit is even during bad weather telecommuters can still work. Due to the rising cost of fuel and the long commute hours and little or no flexibility with many jobs that only have on-site positions, working from home is a great option and decreases many instances that may can raise the occurrence of absenteeism.
Using social network sites to promote your online business or professional profile is a smart way for you to build business relationships and introduce yourself in online communities. When embarking on a new business or working as a freelance professional from home, it is a great way to let others know your skills, experiences and professional abilities and achievements. It is also a tool to build professional references.
Hosts a large online address book that is now viewable through a "Pulse" account
"Dashboard" that includes a view of contacts and information as to what they are sharing, uploading and blogging about on the web
Great way to build a professional social network, while remaining in compliance with the privacy policy of the Bill of Rights for Users of the Social Web
When you are working from home you want to market yourself and your skills in as many ways possible in the online community and promoting yourself and your skills on social network sites is a great way to do it.
Home office deductions are a hot and questionable topic. Research and accurate record keeping are imperative aspects to be considered. At this time, due to the growing number of individuals who are working from home and telecommuting, it is becoming the “norm.” If considering taking home office deductions pay close attention to requirements and take advice from professionals. CNN.com
Two Basic Requirements
Basic rules when taking home office deductions are; 1st requirement, the location must be used regularly and exclusively for conducting business. The 2nd requirement is the home is used as the principle place of business. The space being used for business cannot be used for personal reasons or any other, just exclusively use for business. If the computer, in the office area that is being used for administrative services, is also used for paying personal bills online from that computer or the office area is being used for relaxation or any other activity besides business, it does not qualify under the two requirements for being accepted use of the area and being able to take deductions for having an office in the home. IRS-Home Office Deductions Basic Requirements
Own or Rent
Home office deductions can be taken whether or not you own or rent. If you use a room or a portion of a room, the calculation is to figure out what percentage of square feet the portion being used is in relation to the entire square footage of the house or apartment. If you own a home, a percentage of either mortgage interest or a portion of depreciation; (if the home is older than 39 years), can be taken as a deduction.
There is a section on the IRS website that details the requirements and forms that should be submitted. Home office deduction calculators Home Office Deduction Calc are very helpful in figuring out what you will qualify for. IRS-Home Office DeductionsSteps to take in order to keep records and information organized
1.) Save all receipts
2.) Keep accurate and timely records
3.) Pictures of the business space in your tax records
4.) Record all appointments Turbo Tax
5.) Seek a tax professional’s help to file an accurate and valid tax return. Find an Enrolled Agent