Compare freelance web sites to decipher which ones you will be using in pursuing your work at home career and publish a profile on it. Make certain these sites offer the type of work you are looking for. Take time to complete a well-planned profile and keep it ultra-professional, because this is a presentation of how you will appear to business professionals in the field you anticipate to work in. When bidding on projects and working with buyers or vendors remain professional and keep communication lines open in order to be successful working from home in a "virtual office.” Because jobs are not on site, prove you are responsible to complete projects in a timely and superior manner and are just as accessible working off site. Creating a Freelance Profile
Your Freelance Profile is Your Best Marketing Tool
Prepare a quality and professional profile that can be used on each of these sites. All of the work at home job boards have different sections, but are basically the same. If you already take the time to work on a profile with the basics, you will be one step ahead of the game and can contour this profile based on the website it will be posted to. Plan and double-checking grammar and spelling in your profile in order to avoid unprofessional mistakes. Remember, this profile is a sales pitch and marketing tool for yourself; it must look professional and exhibit all qualifications and skills so that a prospective employer/client will have the information they need in order to make the decision to hire you.
Create a work summary
Write a brief, but quality summary of what type of work you do, your work ethic, a listing of your qualifications and what type of position you are seeking. Edit and include a current resume that includes all the positions you held that are relevant to the work you are pursuing. Include a picture of yourself on your profile that looks professional. Remember online is the same as offline, but even more difficult to land a job because you need to sell yourself without doing it in person.
Skills and Qualifications
Make a list of the skills you have and most importantly be honest.
Take as many skills test as you can that are offered online. Free Online Business Courses, Workshops and Seminars Show that you are qualified and can do the job. Here is a great website that hosts a free typing test. Typing Test Take advantage of the many websites and resources available to test skills and brush up on old ones. Microsoft Training Home Page
Prepare, plan and complete. Do not complete and post a sloppy profile and remember to update your profiles systematically.
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