Once you have decided that you are going to give a 100% effort into transferring your work-place from the office to working from home out of a home office, one thing you should commit to and make a daily task of is job searching. There are many great job boards that you can weed through work at home or telecommuting jobs in order to determine what jobs are legitimate work at home jobs, but if you are serious in doing this, you must put forth a committed effort. My first priority, when I sign on for the day, is checking my email and the second task is doing a frequent job search on several different jobs boards and listings that I have found.
I have added a
Work at Home Job Listing to this blog and I will update it regularly and share with you the work at home, telecommuting, remote or virtual jobs that I have found that appear to be from a legitimate source. I hope that this list aids you in finding that perfect job so that you too can join the ranks of the virtual workforce that works at home.
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