When building a Virtual Assistant business the first thing to do, after you build your professional virtual assistant website is to create profiles on freelance websites and build an online portfolio working as a freelance virtual assistant.
Here are some freelance websites that can help you get started to highlighting your skills and abilities as a great virtual assistant.
Odesk: If you are aspiring to be a virtual assistant or building your business you must be knowledgeable of Odesk. Odesk is a great way to dive into the virtual world and showcase your skills as a virtual assistant.
Guru.com: Great site that brings together employers who are seeking qualified professionals in many different areas of interest. Many virtual assistant opportunities listed.
Elance: Build a professional virtual assistant porfolio and start bidding on projects in many different areas of business in order to build your virtual assistant portfolio.
People per hour: Another good outsourcing website. Links up companies and professional entrepreneurs who are in need of outsourcing projects to specialized individuals in many different areas.
Get a Freelancer: Online marketplace for Freelancers. Match up on this site with many customers all over the world who are seeking out professional freelancers who specialize in the area of interest of their need.
Moonlighting your skills, growing your skills set and promoting yourself as a virtual assistant goes a long way in building a reputation and proving yourself as a freelance virtual assistant. Take advantage of the many freelance websites available. Create a smashing professional virtual assistant profile for each one and include portfolio items.
Many of the freelance websites offer free and paid profiles, each offering different opportunities with each subscription. There are also many skills tests that can be taken and this is another way to prove your ability in different fields of interest. Link your professional virtual assistant website to your portfolios on these freelance websites.